
My research has two major foci. The first focus lies in the domain of distributed state estimation and control — a subset of networked systems. As sensors become cheaper, miniaturized, and computationally more powerful, the quality of estimation relies on how well the communicating sensors merge and assimilate their measurements. The second focus is toward deepening an understanding of the air traffic management system complexity through data-driven methods. With the advent of powerful machine learning tools in tandem with high-fidelity data recording tools in the airspace system, the study of large aviation datasets can allow us to model evolutionary behaviors in the complex air traffic management system. Upon scaling algorithms dedicated to this purpose, they can potentially be used as support tools to automate the decision-making process for air traffic control, which will help safely increase the throughput of the system. Apart from these two, I have taken an avid interest in autonomous navigation capabilities associated with ground vehicles.

How to Make Networked Sensors Smarter?

The general idea of estimation is to derive the 'best estimate' for the true value of the state of some system from an incomplete, potentially noisy set of observations on that system. Distributed estimation extends this idea to obtain a state estimate using a network of communication-capable sensors, where the sensors can now correct each others' estimates and achieve overall improvement. My research in this area focuses on deriving 'optimal' target state estimates, applicable to both linear and hybrid state evolutions.

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Toward Automating Air Traffic Management

Providing intelligent algorithms to manage the ever-increasing demand of air traffic and airspace congestion is critical to the efficiency and economic viability of air transportation systems. My research in the air traffic management domain involved applying machine learning tools to detect anomalous behvior (through unsupervised learning) and subsequently detect their precursors (through supervised learning). The algorithms were deployed on a testbed, and demonstrated as an online anomaly monitoring and mitigation tools for real air-traffic surveillance data from the terminal airspace operations of the New York metroplex.

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Balanced Strategies for Autonomous Navigation

As part of class coursework, I worked on a project aimed at the development of new strategies to aid navigation of autonomous ground vehicles. The project investigated the dynamically evolving balance between performance and safety of vehicles, characterized by a ‘likelihood of collision’ metric embedded within a dynamic programming framework. With the advent of autonomous vehicles and the increasing rate of research being done into networking such autonomous systems, this project piqued my interest and compelled me to learn more about this field.